Business Information Consultants

0333 772 3987

OblongTrees Carbon OffsetCyber Essentials Certified


We have created these case studies to provide examples of the work we do, the lengths we go to for our clients, our commitment, capabilities, flexibilty and our willingness to go that extra mile to meet our client’s needs without charging the earth for it.

We hope to demonstrate that we aren’t just another data company: we are a highly skilled workforce that delivers unrivalled technical solutions. This is why we often work behind the scenes for other data companies, building their databases and completing projects they couldn’t possibly handle.

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A large data enhancement project
CRM SIC coding
& ongoing work
Typical small SIC append project

This case study gives details of one of the largest projects we've undertaken, performed on an annual basis for the last 5 years. We used our automated systems and followed up with a huge amount of manual quality checking and research.

Click here to view the .pdf

This case study gives details of a project where we added SIC codes to a client CRM database and went the extra mile to increase the percentage achieved. We also demonstrate how we can work with our clients and 3rd parties to develop a realtime solution, whereby SIC codes can be added to newly created customer records.

Click here to view the .pdf

This case study gives an example of where we met the needs of a client's unusual request: to research telephone numbers on a weekly basis based on barebones company information.

Click here to view the .pdf

This case study gives details of a typical small SIC coding project, turned around within 24 hours to meet the client's urgent needs.

Click here to view the .pdf

We strive to be the best at everything we do: we are a data broker and data owner, so we can pick the best source for each task. Our data append services are excellent and we achieve a 99% success rate when SIC coding using all of our methods together, including manual research.

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