Business Information Consultants

0333 772 3987

OblongTrees Carbon OffsetCyber Essentials Certified


New Business Data

Startups by Oblong
(A free trial is available)

Getting your foot in the door with new businesses can be a great business strategy.

Startups is researched by and unique to Oblong, it contains contact data for over 500 newly registered businesses per week.

With this GDPR compliant product, every record contains either a telephone number and/or email address. We also include director names - see below for a full list of fields. We manually filter & research companies with an emphasis on them being companies in proper business premises (rather than home based) so they are more likely to need all sorts of products & utilities.

Startups - our new business data feed is limited by sector, to maximise your marketing response we'll only sell to a limited number of companies per industry sector.

Key fields supplied:
 o  Oblong ID
 o  Company Name
 o  Address
 o  Telephone number
 o  isTPS/isCTPS flags
 o  Telephone Line Type
 o  SIC & SIC Desc
 o  Established Date
 o  Email
 o  Website
 o  Registration Number
 o  Director Name
 o  Director Role

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