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Add SIC Codes
SOC Append Services.

What is a SOC code?

The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) is a classification of occupational information. SOC codes turn free flowing text about employees into useful codes that can be used to compare and group data together. A SOC code can generally be given based on a jobtitle and/or a list of duties that a person performs in a company. The type of company, retail, construction, manufacture can impact a SOC code. The current UK SOC taxonomy is the 2020 SOC system which is administered by the Office for National Statistics

SOC 2020
The latest SOC taxnomy SOC 2020 is now available. We've completely stripped down our SOC coding system and associated data dictionaries. Let us know if you would like to know more about our SOC 2020 automated coding system.

Graduate Outcomes
Click here for more information on our involvement in the Higher Education Statistics Agency - Graduate Outcomes project.

Our method...

Automated & Manual SOC coding.

We have automated systems that apply a UK SOC code based on the following attributes: Company name, SIC code, Job title, Job description. We don't need all of these attributes but the more that is available the better.

Once our automated system has performed its SOC coding, we can then manually quality check the data and fill any gaps. Our manual research team specialise in quality checking and classifying data.

If you have a SOC coding project in mind then drop us a line, we would be happy to help if we can.

SOC Major group structure

1: Managers, directors and senior officials
2: Professional occupations
3: Associate professional and technical occupations
4: Administrative and secretarial occupations
5: Skilled trades occupations
6: Caring, leisure and other service occupations
7: Sales and customer service occupations
8: Process, plant and machine operatives
9: Elementary occupations

SIC append services
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